Man has this week been full of surprises!
This last Tuesday was super cool because we went to the temple. It was super good to remember everything and to see the temple again, it feels like so long since I went before! After the temple we had the chance to walk around and man is the temple here beautiful!
For lunch president brought our zone to a super fancy all you can eat churrasco, man it was super dang good. It was super fun to have lunch with president. After lunch we had the chance to walk around in the stores. I went to the desseret store and bought root beer and Dr pepper and man was it good! We then went to walmart and it was just so dang amazing. I just walked in and it just felt like home! Man I love walmart. There layout just never changes it just was a little part of the United States here in Brazil!
Saturday at night we were at our recent converts house (Daiana) and the assistants called and said Elder Messick you will be emergency transferred to vila maria and finish the training of Elder Gonzalves. Man that was shocking. Daiana and her family after I told them just started crying. I felt good because they like me but also like man this sucks. It was a huge shock first of all I am training and second man emergency transfer that sucks.
We had the baptism of Rafealon Sunday and I was able to baptize him then right after that we went to the office to switch elders. It sucks because we have 3 people that are firm to be baptized this next week but oh well as long as I get the picture at least.
My new companion is super cool. He has such a huge desire to work which is awesome. Finally I have someone that wants to work and be obedient. He already teaches super well which is good because I didn´t feel ready to train someone that didn´t know anything. I am super excited for this next transfer I think it is going to be one of the best I have had!