Wednesday, March 9, 2016

This last week was pretty crazy!

This last week was pretty crazy! 

So the week started out super well and last Monday at night we were in a lesson and president calls. He tells us that he found out that some other elders are doing bad stuff and told us to drop everything and go to their house. It was a super hard experience we went to their house and they weren't expecting us. We asked them to hand over the stuff they had with them. President told us that we couldn't leave them alone so we had to stick with them babysitting them until they could arrange a plane ticket for them. It was super unproductive because we would ask them to work with us but they wouldn't so we just stayed in their house until Thursday night doing nothing! It is bad because we weren't able to work with anybody the whole week. 

So my companion Elder Mac stayed in that area with another elder and I stayed here in Jardim California with a short time missionary named Elder Menezes, he will be my companion until the 22nd. He is 17 years old. I like him a lot, he is quiet but has a big desire to learn. 

The little that we were able to work in our area we found 2 good people that went to church. Their names are Vinicius and Lucas. they both loved church and want to go next week. We are planning to have their baptism on the 13th or the 20th. Pray that it will all work out! 

Well that´s all I have for now love you all, have a great week!

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